Student Focus Group Summaries

A focus group is a small group of individuals whose response to something (a new product or an advertising campaign) is studied to determine the response that can be expected from a larger population.
At the University of Texas Medical School at Houston, focus groups of medical students meet throughout the academic year to respond to specific questions about the nutrition content in the curriculum, to review new nutrition education materials that are being developed, and to provide input regarding the need for additional nutrition instruction and training.
The focus group meetings are generally held during the noon hour, lunch is provided, and students respond to a specific set of questions at each meeting. Dr. Linda Perkowski, Director of Medical Education at UT-Houston serves as a moderator for the focus group discussions.

A summary of each focus group meeting is posted on this website.

Focus Group Meeting: October 9, 2001

Focus Group Meeting: April 10, 2001
Topic: Review of Web-based Module: Nutrition in Preventive Medicine
Participants: 5 MSI, MSII, and MSIII students

Focus Group Meeting: March 8, 2001
Topic: Nutrition preparedness of MSIV
Participants: Six MSIV students

Focus Group Meeting: February 21, 2001
Topic: Review of Nutrition Elective
Participants: 5 MSI and MSII

Focus Group Meeting: November 16, 2000
Topic: Identifying nutrition content in the existing curriculum
Participants: 2 MSI, 3 MSII, and 3 MSIV